Issues of men’s health

by | Nov 16, 2011 | Health

the media has focused a lot on issues regarding women’s health. Women’s health issues have always been on the forefront. They have got the medical attention. Men try to act brave and ignore a lot of their health problems. Only till it becomes serious does one actually notice it and pay heed to it. Men’s health problems are actually as serious as a women’s problem. The amount of problems are numerous. Men too require regular doctor checkups. Men’s health concerns are often overlooked and are neglected till it becomes too late.

The seriousness of these issues

the biggest problem of men’ s health and women’s health is a heart attack. Heart attacks are common because people take so much stress in their work that they face a lot of problems. this is because of their lifestyle mainly. If they change their lifestyle and make timely visits to the physician then men’s health issues would not arise. If one eliminates smoking and drinking from their daily routine they would not be prone to diseases like cancer. Also if they eat right and have a balanced diet they would not encounter fatal conditions. Men’s health issues in the United States is so much that statistics state that every year almost 350,000 men die because of a heart attack.

Cancer also affects men’s health and every year almost two hundred men are a target of prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. More frequent visits to the family doctor and a lovely lifestyle would definitely improve men’s health. Anger management issues and depression are issues of men’s health that have not been spoken off very often. Men are infact more suicidal in nature than women and this has to be recognised at an early stage if you want to improve the quality of a man’s life.

men’s health

men’s health

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