3 Reasons to Become a Real Estate Agent

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Educations

Real estate is one of the most lucrative fields in the US, especially if you’re good at selling and making a commission. However, you need to earn a real estate certification to operate as an agent in Cypress CA. Here are a few reasons how it could work for you.

1. You Can (and Need To) Start Part Time

One of the best parts of training to become a real estate agent is that you can test it out part-time. According to The Balance, to get yourself off the ground, you need to plan for at least a year of not making a sale, which means no income if you depend solely on your real estate job. If you’re successful, then you can transition to full time.

2. Exercise Your Creativity with the Art of the Open House

One of the main parts of being in real estate isn’t just the process of selling, but also the ability to beautify a property that will appeal to house shoppers. Preparing a home for viewing can be a creative exercise in and of itself where the interior designer in you has to get busy and make decisions. If you enjoy working with staging and aesthetics, this is one part of the job you’ll love.

3. No Degree Required

While this may not be an obvious perk, the reality of real estate is that you don’t need a college degree. You just need charisma, enthusiasm, and dedication. Unlike many other fields in the US today, this is a field in which if you excel at sales, you’ll go far. Real estate is all about performance and has little to do with qualifications on paper apart from certification. Once you obtain the certificate, it’s time to show your stuff, not write a thesis.

The best parts of becoming a real estate agent aren’t about glory or money, but about the flexible schedule and steady paycheck, you can potentially earn if you find you’re good at it. Start out small with reasonable expectations, and when your talent shows, you’re as good as gold.

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