What Happens When You Need Dental Implants in Stroudsburg?

by | Jan 27, 2014 | Dental

There are many reasons people may need dental implants. Missing teeth can occur due to injuries, cavities and infections. You may also have congenital disorders that can cause you to be missing teeth. If any of these conditions have caused gaps in your smile, you do not have to feel ashamed. With the latest advancements in dental technology, there are now permanent options to replace your missing teeth. These Dental Implants Services in Stroudsburg look just like your own natural teeth and even perform like them. This improves your ability to chew food and improves your appearance, giving you better self-esteem.

How Do Dental Implants Stroudsburg Work?

Dental implants are put in through a surgical procedure. The dentist will first need to administer your anesthesia. There are two main types of anesthesia used in these procedures. The first is local anesthesia and this simply numbs a certain area in your mouth. This is commonly used for putting in one or two dental implants. The other type of anesthesia is general. This is given when you are having multiple implants put in place. This type of anesthesia causes you to sleep through the entire procedure. Whichever method of anesthesia is used, you will not feel any pain or discomfort during your surgery.

To place the implant in your gums, the dentist will need to make a small incision in the socket. This incision will be used to place the metal implant into your jawbone. The device works much like a screw and is secured into the bone tissue. Once sutured in place, your gums will be allowed to heal for approximately three to four weeks. This healing process allows your gums to completely heal and your body to accept the new implant before the artificial teeth are put in.

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. If damages do occur, normally the artificial tooth just needs to be replaced. If you are in need of dental implants and want to learn how they can improve your smile, contact Bartonsville Family Dental and make an appointment today. They provide all of the dental services you need, to keep your smile healthy and looking its best.

For more information, visit online!


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