The Basics of Dental Hygiene in Baltimore City

by | Aug 14, 2017 | Dental

Keeping your teeth clean is very important for a wide variety of reasons; it’s important for the look of your teeth as well as your gums. Furthermore, it is important for preventing disease and pain. Many infections that occur in the mouth can spread to other parts of the face. They’re particularly painful and expensive to treat. The best way to avoid this is to avoid the pain in the first place. Good dental hygiene cannot completely prevent all kinds of infection or pain but it can reduce the likelihood.

Visit the Dentist

Visiting a local dentist is a good first step towards dental hygiene in Baltimore City. You should visit the dentist about once every six months; if you cannot make it that often, you should visit at least once per year. Then, you should also make sure that you are forthcoming with the dentist. Often, patients will go to a dentist but not tell the dentist all of the different concerns that they have.

The only way to get proper treatment from a Baltimore City dental hygiene expert is to be honest. So, tell the dental professional about all of the different aches, pains, or concerns that you might have. This will ensure that you get comprehensive care.

Brushing and Flossing

Brushing is an essential element of dental hygiene. You should brush your teeth multiple times per day. Ideally, you would brush your teeth in the morning, at night, and after meals. While that might be a little bit unrealistic, you should definitely brush in the morning and at night. Also, you should brush after eating anything exceptionally sugary or sticky. That will keep bacteria from having too much time to build up in your mouth. You should also floss as well. Do not floss too aggressively. Any brushing and flossing should be pain-free. If you see blood, you should go to a dentist; it’s not a symptom of brushing too hard.

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