Trimming, Pruning, and Necessary Felling by a Tree Service in Spokane

by | Feb 13, 2018 | Home & Garden

Trimming and pruning by a professional Tree Service in Spokane helps keep landscaping looking attractive and well-manicured. The technicians remove broken and dead branches, cut back limbs dragging on roofs and clotheslines, and strategically remove branches so the entire tree can receive more sunshine and air circulation. In addition to making the trees look better and preventing damage to shingles, the work keeps the trees healthier too.

People who have recently purchased a home with trees that have not been pruned in many years may want this done as soon as possible. They may Contact Spokane Pro Care to start the process of getting an estimate.

Trimming and Pruning

People commonly use the words trimming and pruning interchangeably. In the industry, however, the process of pruning only refers to trees and relatively large shrubs. Technicians consider trimming work as that performed on smaller bushes and hedges to keep them as symmetrical as possible. This type of project might need to be done yearly if this type of manicured appearance is important to the owners.

When Felling Is Advisable

In some instances, a tree that the customers hoped could be trimmed and saved after storm damage should be cut down by a professional Tree Service in Spokane. There may be no way to keep the tree stable anymore, or it may have an unpleasant appearance after the amount of pruning needed to remove damaged limbs and make it stable again.

Arborists also may recommend bringing down a tree if two have grown so close together that one is no longer thriving. It may be impossible to prune the other one enough to allow the second tree to have enough light and air. Even if that could be done, the problem would likely occur soon again.

Dealing With Sadness When Losing a Tree

This can be difficult emotionally for people who feel great affection for their trees, especially if they have lived in the home a long time. They might be able to keep a small memento of it, such as a pine cone, or a few acorns or maple seeds. Gathering some leaves and keeping them pressed in a favorite book is another possibility.

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