The Purpose of Compounded Medications in El Dorado Hills

by | Nov 6, 2013 | Medicine

A pharmacy typically fills orders given to the patient by a doctor for medications. They are normally filled with medications already made by a manufacturer. This medications are mass produced using common dosage amounts of a particular drug. They are often combined with other ingredients for various purposes. For the most part, these medications work well for the patient. However, sometimes a patient needs a more specified prescription depending on their needs. Compounded medications in El Dorado Hills can give the patient exactly what they need.

Mass produced medications are made by manufacturing companies with a general dosage in mind. They produce their medications with the dosage that is prescribed most often. They may come in various doses, but, still are limited to certain amounts. Sometimes a patient needs a dosage that is different from what these general dosages cover. Taking too little or too much, even by a small amount, could be more harmful to the patient. This can make it difficult for a patient to get exactly what they need.

Another issue with mass produced medications is other ingredients that are added. These are sometimes ingredients that are used for preservation of the medication. They can also be ingredients that help the medication work better. However, sometimes a patient may not need the additional ingredients. They may have allergies or adverse effects from taking these additional ingredients. This can make it more difficult for the patient to get the medication they need without the extra things that may harm them.

Compounded medications in El Dorado Hills are medications that are made to the specific needs of the patient. A patient that needs a different dosage than is normally prescribed can get the exact medication they need. They can also get it without the other ingredients that the manufactured drugs may have. A pharmacy that offers compounded medications can be a great benefit to patients. The doctor can prescribe the exact amount the patient needs and the pharmacist can make exactly that. They can also avoid using the typical additives that manufacturers may use. If needed, they can even add ingredients specific to the patients needs or preferences. This can ensure the patient gets exactly what they need to stay healthy.

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