Getting Fair Compensation for a Third Party Settlement with a Construction Accident Lawyer in Everett, MA

by | Apr 14, 2017 | Lawyers

The construction industry comes with some occupational hazards. Construction accidents have caused serious injuries. When someone is seriously injured from a construction accident, the cause of injury should be found. Outside of workers compensation, a worker may have grounds to file a third party lawsuit. A co-worker or manufacturer of an industrial product may be liable. This would apply if a co-worker failed to be careful when working with someone who was injured. The manufacturer of machinery or a piece of equipment can be sued if there were manufacturing defects. A Construction Accident Lawyer in Everett MA will guide clients through these cases and launch a comprehensive investigation.

Even when working under the most stringent safety regulations, construction accidents have caused permanent injuries and even death. Families can file wrongful death litigation claims when a construction company or third party member is responsible for a construction accident fatality. A spouse or dependent children who relied on the financial support of a fatally injured worker can be awarded funds from a settlement. The manufacturing company for machinery or equipment that malfunctioned is liable to pay for damages. Families can receive a lump sum or annuity payments as compensation for their loss. A Construction Accident Lawyer in Everett MA will make sure their clients get the maximum compensation for their case.

The management office of insurance companies can be heartless when it comes to providing compensation for those stricken with such misfortune. They are known to try to find a way to deny liability of the defendant or pay out as little as possible in a settlement. Associates at the Law Offices of Burton J. Hass don’t let insurance companies take advantage of their clients. Insurers typically begin trying to earn the trust of a plaintiff by telling them an insurance adjuster will help them settle the case and there is no need for a lawyer. They’ll deceitfully say they are offering the most in compensation.

Truth be told, it will most likely be the minimum possible amount. A lawyer for the plaintiff is the only person who will compute the losses and give an accurate estimate of the sum that should be awarded. They will relay this information to insurance companies and only accept a settlement near their own calculations.

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