Do You Need An Estate Planning Lawyer?

by | Jul 14, 2017 | Lawyers

The rules, regulations, and laws that apply to estate disposition vary considerably from state to state. An estate planning lawyer in Buena Park is intimate with the process in California. In recent years there has been a huge proliferation of “do it yourself” will kits, as such people may wonder whether it is really important to engage the professional service of a knowledgeable lawyer or not. For some people, the DIY approach might be enough, but the greatest majority of people are wise to work with a lawyer. The decision depends on numerous factors which include the assets of the individual, his or her medical situation and the involvement of children.

Your assets:

There is a minimum asset requirement for probate. If you have given your assets to those that you wish, especially such assets as homes and vehicles it may be that there is enough left for probate. In a case like this, all that may be left are your personal affects that can easily be divided in accordance with your wishes via a written will.

If you have not given your assets away, your estate will have to be probated. To ensure that probate goes along smoothly, it is extremely important that all legal requirements are met. The best person to ensure that this happens is an estate planning lawyer in Buena Park.


Death is not the sole domain of the aged hence estate planning is not only for the elderly. Those people that have youngsters must understand that in the event they should die prematurely that their children must be taken care of. A guardianship agreement is complex; there is far more to it than just assigning the children’s future to someone, it is often necessary for a trust fund to be set up for their future care.

Ensuring that your wishes are taken into account upon your death is something that should be left up to a seasoned estate planning lawyer in Buena Park.

It is extremely important that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes, to ensure this happens you need to hire an estate planning lawyer in Buena Park. You are invited to contact the Law Offices of Norman J. Homen.

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