Do You Want to Know More About Tattoo Removal in Decatur, IL?

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Skin Care

Do you have a tattoo that you no longer want to display? If so, you can find a remedy in an innovative laser process. This advanced laser treatment has been designed as a safe and effective therapy for removing tattoos.

How Laser Removal Works

The laser targets inks in a tattoo that are often difficult to remove, especially ink colors such as green or blue. It can also be used on tattoos that have already been treated. The advanced laser treatment means reduced downtime and fewer treatment sessions overall.

Scheduling the Sessions

When advanced laser therapy is used for tattoo removal in Decatur, IL, the laser causes the ink to disintegrate into smaller particles. These particles are in turn absorbed by the body. During the procedure, clients can expect to go through treatment sessions about every four to eight weeks. The doctor will tell you how long to wait between the appointments. Wait time is based on the progress made and the client’s skin type.

Treatment Side Effects

In order to minimize discomfort during a tattoo removal, a local anesthesia or numbing substance may be applied. Other methods may also be employed during a treatment session. After the process, treatment areas may turn red or swell a bit. However, the reaction normally lasts only a couple hours.

Between tattoo removal treatments, the patient should keep the area covered and out of the harmful rays of the sun. After a scheduled appointment, the doctor often gives the patients additional instructions for aftercare.

If you do not want to remove the entire tattoo but only a portion of it, you have this option as well. Because a laser energy is applied with precision, one area of a tattoo can be removed without affecting the other area of the marking. Tattoos can also be lightened if you want to add a tattoo to cover the former tattoo. Visit us for more details about either one of these innovative processes.

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